Twenty-Four & The Court

This Recording is a sample from our Anna Hour. While only a cell phone recording, heavenly sounds joined in.

This is just me, and just a simple keyboard... the trumpet/horns you hear are supernatural. You will even find places where my rhythm is out of sync because I was captivated by the heavenly sounds, The horn seems to try to keep pace with me as I faulted in certain moments.

Twenty-Four is a song I heard through the night into the morning of 6-5-22. The days leading up to it, I had been inquiring of the Lord and meditating on the Beauty Realm of God in Revelation 4 & 5. Specifically, I was asking the Lord to teach me about the thrones of the 24 Elders.

The Court is what I believe to be a type & shadow to Heavenly court proceedings and connected to the 24 Elders. As you listen, see yourself in the court. see the Jury of Elders rising. as the Judge of Righteousness and Justice takes His seat. see yourself as the defendant. allow the accusations from your adversary to come into the court and let the righteous Judge render you NOT GUILTY through the blood on the mercy seat. This is meant as a prophetic activation in the heavenly realm.


If It’s Not Good, You’re Not Finished